Front cover image for Community-based housing for the elderly

Community-based housing for the elderly

Zoning barriers can impeded community-based housing for the elderly. This report offers alternative zoning language that encourages aging-in-place. It discusses the advantages of housing strategies such as accessory apartments, elder cottages, and shared-living residences that rely not on developers but on charitable organizations, family members, and the elderly themselves. The report also examines relevant legal principles such as restrictive family definitions and the regulation of land users rather than land uses. An invaluable resource for all planners and zoning board members who much cope with the problems associated with an aging society
Print Book, English, ©1989
American Planning Association, Chicago, IL, ©1989
30 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Chapter 1. Issues of need and regulation
Chapter 2. Accessory apartments
Chapter 3. Elder cottages
Chapter 4. Shared living residences
Cover title
"Housing options for seniors today."